An Interview with Ading Attamimi

An Interview with Ading Attamimi
Well my name is Ading Attamimi, I am a travel photographer focusing on lifestyle and luxury travel, I am based in Melbourne but born in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I started my professional career since 2011 and never looked back since. I am a Nikon Indonesia Official Photographer and also an ambassador for a few other brands like f-stopgear,Oberwerth, stellerstories and Nisi Filters Indonesia.
Currently most of the jobs I am doing are with Nikon, like tours and workshops, I also now liaise with Nikon APAC for a larger scale activities.
How I got to Know Ading.
Through Facebook and Instagram I have followed Adings work now for sometime and it’s always great to see his latest material and what he is to… He even let me steal the image of his Nikon D850 box he got from Nikon so I could pretend Nikon had sent me one free of charge 🙂 Incidentally I now own one but hey Nikon if ye are reading this I could do with a second one to replace my D810. My address can be found on my contact me page 🙂

1.- When and how did you first get interested in photography?
Since 2002 playing with a phone camera.
2.- If you could go on a photo shoot with anyone who would it be and why?
I would say Karl Taylor, I really love his style and rich knowledge of photography.
3.- If you could give a younger version of yourself a bit of advice on photography what would it be?
Just keep doing what you love and strive for the best.
4.- If you could only pick 5 photographers to follow on Instagram who would they be?
This is a bit tough, I do have a few favourites and one of them is my friend @sukiminthio @larrymarshallphotography @danielkordan @iuriebelegurschi @maxlazzi

5.- What’s the number one place on your photography bucket list right now?
That has to be either Iceland or Norway.
6.- What to date is your best photographic moment, that time you felt like you just fired off that shot that would keep you smiling for years to come?
Well, it would have to be the first years of my career I think.
7.- What’s your greatest photography achievement to date?
Being an ambassador for so many brands, being invited for seminars and talks even outside of the country and also the privilege to travel.
8.- Where would you like to be in 5 years time?
Maintain what I have achieved and work hard for more.

9.- What is your top photography tip for anyone looking to improve their photography?
Get a few references, try another style and learn different techniques and do it with your own style then.
10.- What was the worst mistake you made on a shoot?
I forgot the memory card hahahaha
11.- The funniest thing to ever happen to you while out taking photographs?
Dealing with local animals, getting chased by a duck, cow or dogs hahaha
12.- Who inspires you as a photographer?

13.- What does photography mean to you?
Is a self-expression and getaway.
14.- What is your favourite hobby outside of photography?
Watches and motorbikes.
15.- Tell us three things people may not know about you?
I only use Nikon, I am the first Nikon ambassador for Indonesia and never stay at home more than a month (well obviously covid-19 changed the record).
16.- Which Genre of photography do you love most?
It has to be travel and landscape.

17.- What music do you listen to while editing photographs?
It really depends on my mood at the time.
18.- What’s your best bit of photography gear in your bag?
That has to be my camera and my wide angle lenses.
Thank you so much Ading for talking the time to do this interview and I look forward to your new work 🙂
You can find more of Adings work on his social media accounts below…
Ading Attamimis Instagram account.
Ading Attamimis Facebook account.
Have a look at my photography tips and tricks section in the menu where I cover everything from…
ND Filters explained and how to choose the right ones,
Photography tips everything from filters to tripods,
Seascape Photography explained,
Long Exposure photography tips,
How to backup your photographs,
My secret tips to photography,
Thanks again for taking the time to read this interview.
See you out there,
Kieran Hayes Landscape Photography Ireland 6th of March 2020 5.0 39 My interview with Adding Attamimi Landscape Photography Ireland