My interview with French photographer Patrick Galibert

This is the first in a series of interviews with inspirational international photographers I know and follow. So please stay tuned as there are some absolutely amazing artists in the series.
An interview with Patrick Galibert.
Patrick Galibert is a Frenchman who is no stranger to the world of photography.
Patrick was born in Decazeville, France, but currently lives in Toulouse where his commercial studio is based.
Patrick has been a professional advertising photographer for over twenty years and has received several prestigious awards including the Villa Medicis Hors les Murs.
He was also Professor of Photography at ETPA Toulouse the late 80’s and early 90’s.
Patrick has been a freelance photographer since 1991.
Most of the images he shares via his social media are from his extensive travels to Africa. Whether it’s the diverse cultures of the people, the rugged splendor of the landscape, or the savage beauty of the wildlife.
Patrick spends 1 or 2 months per year in Africa with his 4×4 and this is where he produces most of his stunning more personal work.
His photography expertise is exceeded only by his good-natured humor and affable personality.
How I got to know Patrick
I originally got to know Patrick through Instagram, we were both members of a feature hub called @jaw_dropping_shots, I had already been following Patrick’s work for sometime before we actually chatted to each other. From the very first time I talked to him I found him to be a pure gentleman and he has been very supportive of me for years. That is something I will be eternally grateful for.. so thank you my friend.
Please find Patrick’s interview below with only a small selection of his stunning work.
His social media details and website links are all posted below also.

1.-When and how did you first get interested in photography?
I started photography around the age of 12 with my village photography club.
Unlike my friends, I didn’t like football, walking in nature to capture what my eye was already discovering interested me a lot …
2.- If you could go on a photo shoot with anyone who would it be and why?
All people interest me, there is always something to discover and show. Simplicity and humility are the most difficult to show but when it is successful it is much stronger than the “star, show”.
3.-If you could give a younger version of yourself a bit of advice on photography what would it be?
Continue to be passionate and curious, with an even stronger desire to travel! Travel shapes the young!
4.- If you could only pick 5 photographers to follow on Instagram who would they be?
I know too many photographers on Instagram to give just 5 that I prefer or there may be too many.

5.- What’s the number one place on your photography bucket list right now?
Continue to travel the world and make me happy!
After Africa where I spend a lot of time with my 4×4 I would like now discover more USA and Asia.
6.- What is your top photography tip for anyone looking to improve their photography?
Be curious, passionate, learn to watch and share!
7.- Who inspires you as a photographer?
Irving Penn, Raymond Depardon & Sebastiao Salgado.
8.- What does photography mean to you?
Writing with light.

9.- What is your favourite hobby outside of photography?
Crossing the desert off-road with my 4×4 or ATV.
10.- Tell us three things people may not know about you.
Sensitive, loyal and curious.
11.- Which Genre of photography do you love most?
I’m hungry for everything about photography.
12.- What music do you listen to while editing photographs?
Cool music….

13.- What’s your best bit of photography gear in your bag?
A fresh eye and a spare to see the best light and composition.
Thank you so very much Patrick for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this interview. It’s great to find out a bit bit more about you and as always I am looking forward to seeing more of your stunning work.
Social Media
Please visit Patricks websites to see more of his work, incidentally you can purchase books and prints via his website.
Make sure to follow him on social media… You won’t be disappointed.
Thanks again and stay tuned for the second in the series when we go to Norway to meet another amazing photographer…
Have a look at my photography tips and tricks section in the menu where I cover everything from…
ND Filters explained and how to choose the right ones,
Photography tips everything from filters to tripods,
Seascape Photography explained,
Long Exposure photography tips,
How to backup your photographs,
My secret tips to photography,
See you out there,